When trying out a new coffee origin, you may want to get as much information about it as possible, like is Kona coffee Arabica beans? To better understand Kona coffee's origin, we're explaining its relation to the Arabica varietal and...
A cup of coffee is the perfect antidote to lazy mornings. Everyone describes their perfect cup of joe differently, which leads us to wonder about the different types of coffee. One of these is Kona coffee, which is cultivated in...
If you look for the most high-quality coffee in the world, you'll come across the name Kona, but what exactly is this drink that so many people adore? What is so special about Kona coffee? To answer this question we...
To choose the perfect cup of coffee, you must evaluate the type you usually drink as well as the different roasts. If you were looking for the greatest coffee in town, you most certainly came across Kona Coffee. While Kona...
Have you ever seen someone yawning in front of you? They're silently screaming for a cup of coffee. Don't you think the smell of coffee is a wake-up alarm for you? If this sounds anything like you, you might be...
Who doesn't love coffee? People love so many different types of coffee for so many reasons: the taste and how they energize you, even if you're feeling lethargic. Kona coffee is one type of coffee that has become one of...
For most of us, coffee is the fuel we need to function and handle the stresses of everyday lives. If you are an avid coffee drinker, the chances are that you have heard of the term "drip coffee" and pondered:...
As you discover the wonders of local Hawaiian coffee, you may be wondering, is Kona coffee a dark roast? We're going to explain what kind of roast Kona coffee is, along with how the roast level will impact your drinking...
A healthy coconut coffee is a great way to start the day. It might sound pretty bizarre to add coconut to your coffee, but it’s surely worth it. For all those who are still unaware of this yum creamy coffee,...
Kona coffee consists of a full-bodied flavor and has a very soothing aroma. Kona coffee is named such because the trees from which it is extracted are located over the slopes of Hualalai & the mountains of Mauna Loa. Where...
Dark roast coffee has a darker shade due to the drawn-out oil that coats the surface of the beans. As a result, it has a smoky texture and bold flavor. But there is some confusion around what exactly makes a...
Kona coffee beans are unique because they are grown commercially only in one region of the US. They are grown across the Island of Hawaii and on the Hualalai’s volcano slopes. Despite this, Kona coffee brands and products have been...
If you are a lover of dark roast coffee, you might have found yourself stuck between an Italian roast and a French roast coffee. The difference between these two is not about the type of beans but roasting styles. Here...
So, you think you know all about light, medium, and dark roasts? Maybe you do… and maybe you don’t. We discuss the main differences between them and what makes each roast unique.
Bay View Farm is pleased to introduce Lava Lei Blend, the first of an exceptional line of coffees roasted with genuine Kona beans and grown right here on the Big Island of Hawaii.